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Foundational Process

Pieter van Aartsen ( , Statutory Director of Hynetwork, the Dutch HTNO, has been appointed as Moderator for the ENNOH Foundation Process.

On 23 January 2024, 36 infrastructure operators met for the first time to discuss the ENNOH statutes and kick-off the ENNOH foundational process. These operators are Hydrogen PCI project promoters, European Hydrogen Backbone initiative members, and other designated operators. Two Member States (MT, CY) joined later. All future HTNOs are welcome to join the foundation process. The operators are currently working to successfully set up ENNOH whilst meeting the deadlines and obligations set in the H2/Decarbonised Gas Regulation, ensuring a transparent, inclusive and open process.

Within four months of receipt of the above-listed drafts referred, ACER shall, after consulting the organisations representing all stakeholders, provide an opinion to the Commission on those drafts. The Commission shall issue an opinion on the drafts, taking into account ACER’s opinion, within three months of the date of receipt of that opinion. Within three months of receiving the Commission’s favourable opinion, the (future) HTNOs shall adopt and publish the ENNOH's statutes, list of members, and rules of procedure.


Images courtesy of GRTgaz
Images courtesy of Hynetwork (Gasunie)